Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's not working for me...

So... As I said in the video, the way I'v been running things this time around isn't working for me at all. My laziness in committing fully to HCG this time has shown 100%! In a few weeks I will be fully committed to the program once again so I can see the results as I did months ago. I don't know how I expected to get the results I wasn't doing the work for HAHA... Lesson learned! This give me a few weeks to get myself together and prepared for a strict 40 days once again. It's mainly my mind because I've done it before.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sheesh, this is so hard...


Today was another day, BUT so is tomorrow!! I'm so looking forward to tomorrow because today wasn't the best... Even when I mess up on my eating I make sure to get in exercise at least 5 days a week, I get kind of (well REALLY) lazy on the weekends though. I've been doing 100-300 squats, 50 push ups *girl style*, crunches, and strength training every day Monday through Friday. Although I can't see a difference my husband says he can in the pictures I send him and encourages me to keep up the good work. Even though he still supports my efforts from so far away it's not the same as having him here to workout with me.

One thing I think I'm going to start doing is making a menu, I'm willing to try anything to keep me on track with eating healthy. I found that I buy random healthy things but don't really think about how I'm going to turn them into meals. Also I haven't been pre making my meals in the mornings like I used to and I know that it helped me before so I need to start taking that initiative in the mornings again. Overall I just need a plan and to put it in motion!

I just have to keep pushing and starting new each day if that's what it takes to achieve my goals!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'm surviving :)

I think this video is longer than normal so I don't really have much to write today. All in all I'm doing ok right now with my eating, I did have an off day yesterday since my sister was in town. I do realize I could've made a healthier choice while eating out but I honestly just wanted something that tasted super awesome! I'm debating whether or not to even torture myself by getting on the scale this morning because I figure I'm up from yesterday...  Oh well, we all pay for our decisions right?? 

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Struggling to find my MOTIVATION!

Hi! I know it's been a long time for me and my blog but I'm back. I'm thinking maybe if I start blogging again more often it will help to keep me motivated... It's worth a try, right?

So my update is horrible, I've been struggling like I never have before with making healthy eating choices. Mostly my bad eating is boredom mixed with a dollop of emotions! Still not working and being by myself 100% of the time most days takes a toll on me (my mind). I'm always used to having someone around whether it's family, friends, or coworkers and right now I have NONE OF THE ABOVE! My days are full of nothing but empty time and my workouts only fill so much of it...

Don't worry, I will get myself and my mind together very soon. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day ???

Hello everyone!

So... I can't remember the last time I took my drops, I'm thinking maybe a day or two before Christmas. Starting this diet around the holiday season was the WORST DECISION EVER! I haven't had any kind of schedule or structure to the flow of my days which is not helping me at all right now. At this time my weight has been back and forth between 247 and 252 pounds depending on what I eat throughout the week. My decision has been to take a break from the drops for now and focus on an exercise regime to keep me healthy. Well, that's it for now and I'll be around posting how I'm doing now and then!