Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Calorie countDOWN!

So, today is another new beginning! I don't know why I'm up so early but figured hey, why not start my day out right and BLOG!?

Yesterday I tried to start getting myself prepared for this journey again... I bought groceries, separated my meat into smaller portions to freeze, and thought about some possible meals for day 3. Prepping I think made my last 40 day round a little bit easier since all I would have to do is basically cook my food since everything was already cut or measured out. It's very helpful! One thing I hope I don't get this time is an injury, it was no t fun to have a bruised bottom during the last days of HCG...

My goals:
  1. Really hoping for the pound a day like anyone else, totaling a 40 pound loss.
  2. No cheating EVER!
  3. Preparing better for the maintenance phase (life).
  4. Do light weight training to tone the jiggles :)
  5. Try to come up with a better variety of meals to prevent food boredom.
I'm sure I'll make other goals along the way, but that's basically what I came up with yesterday. I know it's also going to be a challenge going back to work while potentially still doing my 40 days, but other people do A LOT MORE while working so I guess I'll be ok.

Well, wish me luck on day 3!

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